Mentions légales
This site is the property of Kolmé, whose registered office is located at 30 boulevard Saint Germain, 75005 Paris, FRANCE. The company is registered at the Register of Commerce and Companies under the number SIRET : 831 675 327 00025.
The Director of the publication of this website is Laura PES, also responsible for the operation of the site and founder of Kolmé.
The site hosting is provided by O2switch, a French company whose head office is located in the Path of Pardiaux, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, france.
We guarantee to the users that any data processing on this website is subject to the law no. 78-18 of 6 January 1978 relating to computers, files and freedoms (the law “informatique et libertés”).
In application of law no. 78-18 of January 6, 1978 (loi “informatique et libertés”), you have a right of access to information that relates to you and can make a change. If you want to edit or delete some of the data that concerns you, please send us an mail in this sense, to the following address : info@kolme.paris.
© Photos : Zoe CHAUVET